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Festivals, traditions, customs and habits in the UK, the USA and the ČR

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  1. Remembrance Sunday

formerly16 Armistice Day, or Poppy Day

the Sunday nearest to 11th November - commemorating the armistice17 of 11th November 1918 terminating the First World War, and all those who died in the two World Wars

a two-minute silence is observer at 11 am

people wear an artificial poppy18 on that day - originally the poppies symbolised the soldiers who died in the cornfields19 of Flanders20, Belgium, in the First World War

  1. Christmas

24th December - Christmas Eve

25th December - Christmas Day with Christmas morning

26th December - Boxing Day

most important festival of the year - it combines Christian celebration of the birth of Christ and traditional festivities of winter

traditions - most important is giving presents; Christmas tree came from Norway - in the corner of the front room, glittering21 with coloured lights and decorations; families decorate their houses with brightly coloured paper or holly22

on the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol23 service where special hymns are sung

sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity

on Christmas Eve children let a long sock or stocking24 at the end of their bed and they hope that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts - no traditional celebration

at Christmas morning are presents found under the Christmas tree

on Christmas Day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding

they will probably pull a cracker with another member of the family - it will make a loud crack and a coloured hat, small toy and joke will fall out

afternoon they watch the Queen on television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth

at tea-time people can eat a piece of Christmas cake or eat hot mince pie25

on Boxing Day people visit friends and relatives or some of the many sporting events

on Boxing Day it is also usual to give a present of money to tradesmen - the milkman, the postman, etc.

people usually go to a pantomime on that day - based on traditional fairy tale, especially for children - these tales come from all over the world - “The Sleeping Beauty” from Persia, “Little Red Ridding Hood” was written by Brothers Grimm of Germany, etc.

  1. Some other special days

Twelfth Night - 6th January

April Fool’s Day - 1st April

Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday - second Sunday in May

Father’s Day - third Sunday in June

Bank Holidays - public holidays when banks, post offices, shops and some attractions are closed. Bank holidays remain constant each year, i.e. they always occur on Monday (the late Spring Bank Holiday is the last Monday in May), but the date changes each year

Midsummer Dar - 24th June - ceremonies in honour of the Sun have been held from the earliest times. This day is preceded by Midsummer Night when supernatural beings are said to wander about.

  1. Special local feasts

St. David’s Day - 1st March - the patron of Wales

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