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Festivals, traditions, customs and habits in the UK, the USA and the ČR

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Here is the list of holidays, that are different from celebration in UK and USA and some holidays that are originally Czech.

  1. New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day

celebrated by fireworks and drinking fizz (effervescent wine)29

New Year’s Day is also day of establishment of Czech republic in 1993

  1. Valentine’s day

some people have the same way to celebrate this as in UK or USA, but it is not so usual

  1. Lent

lent was also celebrated in ÈR, but today it is not so usual

the days have other names (Ash Wednesday - popeleční středa, etc.)

  1. Easter

on Easter is another tradition than in UK or USA - on Easter Monday men beats women with “pomlázka” and they become coloured eggs

  1. May Day

1st May is here more day of working people than celebration of end of winter

  1. Halloween

Halloween is one of traditions, that came from USA - majority of people do not celebrate this, but young families are starting to celebrate this

  1. Guy Fawkes Night

this is traditional British celebration and is not celebrated in ÈR

  1. Remembrance Sunday

this is traditional British and American celebration and is not celebrated in ÈR

  1. Christmas

Christmas are her different than in UK or USA

24th December - Christmas Day, Christmas Eve

25th December - second Christmas feast, Boží hod

26th December - third Christmas feast

on 23rd or 24th December family decorates Christmas tree with some glass or straw30 decorations and electric lights or candles

at the evening on 24th December comes “Ježíšek” and brings presents

children find them usually after traditional dinner which consists of fried carp with potato salad

25th December is time to visit relatives

  1. Some other holidays

  1. Day of liberation from fascism

8th May

celebration of coming allied armies into Czech Republic in 1945 and the end of the Second World War here

  1. Day of Cyril and Metodìj

6th July

they brought Christianity into Big Moravia, created new writing31 and language

  1. Day of master Jan Hus

7th July

he was burned on this day in 1415, because of his meaning about church

  1. Day of founding independent Czechoslovakian state

28th October

in 1918 after First World War was founded Czechoslovakian Republic

  1. ysvětlivky:


  2. lité těsto↩

  3. popeleční středa↩

  4. postit se↩

  5. mazanec↩

  6. ověnčený mašlemi↩

  7. tyč, bidlo↩

  8. přestrojení↩

  9. čarodějnice↩

  10. duch↩

  11. dýně↩

  12. hranice↩

  13. panák↩

  14. střelný prach↩

  15. spiklenec↩

  16. dříve↩

  17. příměří↩

  18. makovice↩

  19. obilné pole↩

  20. Vlámsko↩

  21. třpytit se↩

  22. cesmína - rostlina↩

  23. koleda↩

  24. punčocha↩

  25. koláč, asi jako náš biskupský chlebíček↩

  26. podstoupit↩

  27. konzerva↩

  28. štít↩

  29. obojí sekt↩

  30. slaměný↩

  31. písmo↩

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