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Modern Ways of Communication

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Communication is commonly defined as an “interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs". Although there is such a thing as one-way communication, communication is more effective as a two-way process in which there is an exchange and progression of thoughts, feelings or ideas towards a common goal or solution that is accepted by all parts.

Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sounds, words, speaking, and language. Nonverbal communication is important as well, because it specifies the content and helps the other to understand us better. Most modern ways of communication don’t allow that except for video calls and even those are limited.

People used to communicate over a long distance using smoke signals, envoys and then letters. Letters are relics nowadays. People usually only send postcards or documents using the post. I personally don’t like the local post office very much, because they always lose or damage my packages. There are about 5 books they ruined already.

Then, people sent telegrams using electrical signals and morse code. A very important invention is the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, as it allowed us to communicate more. I mean, by allowing us to hear our voices, we can know whether the other person is joking/sarcastic or not. One sentence can have many different meanings depending on the stress: I never said she stole my bike.

Cellular Phones
The capabilities of cell phones have continued to increase since their introduction in the late 1980s. The main role of the cell phone is the ability to make phone calls. The other important function is texting. An SMS, or short messaging service is a type of communication used in mobile phones. They are more commonly called 'text messages'. With SMS, someone can send text to another person. Text messages are often sent between phone users when an actual phone call is not wanted or needed. For example, they may be used in a situation where silence is needed, or to send something private that one person does not want people near them to hear. Message price depends on the phone network of the user. Some mobile phone plans allow for unlimited texting. In addition to basic text messaging and wireless phone conversations, many cell phones enable their users to send and receive email, pictures and recorded videos. Bluetooth technology has further increased the communicative value of cell phones, allowing talkers to carry on their conversations hands-free with the use of a small, one-sided headset.

One of the most recent invention is the internet. I tis a network of computers, the protocols were created by sir berns lee, it was first used in the military and the universities. Nowadays it allows us to browse websites and receive almost an unlimited amount of entertainment and informations. There are many new trends arising because of that. Communication over the internet is more common these days

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