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A piece of news-ActiWait

Are you bored when you're waiting to cross the road?Waiting for the light to turn green at a pedestrian crossing can feel like a lifetime.Two German students designed a multi-player game,atouch screen ping pong game that's played wirelessly with a person on the other side of the crossing.The game is called ActiWait.The developers also want to use the screens for other applications,including news feeds,navigation and traffic education for children,or even speed dating.

YouTube:StreetPong2.0– the ActiWait [official]



Carnival in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

The biggest parade in the world is held before Lent.The samba dancers prepare all year long:the technique,performance,costumes,decorations– everything has to be perfect and bigger than their competitors.


Held since1810the festival has become an important part of Bavarian culture.Originally the commemoration of Prince Ludwig’s wedding turned into the biggest beer celebration in the world.

Chinese New Year,China

A very important holiday in Chinese culture.The date varies approximately between middle January to middle February.People celebrate loudly,they dance and play,use plenty of costumes and fireworks.

Saint Patrick’s Day,Ireland

Is celebrated to commemorate Christianity’s arrival to Ireland.Irish communities in the USA,especially Boston,Chicago and other European countries also celebrate it.Green dyed rivers define the fest.

Yi Peng Lantern Festival,Thailand

The celebration is meant to obtain Buddhist merit.It attracts so many people,that the sight of the floating lights in the air is hypnotizing.


Today I am going to speak about games.Like board games,card games,children’s games,paper and pencil games,word games and party games.However,the games are in English and you have to guess the original Czech names of the games.

Iam afraid it will take me more timethan I would expect.So sorry in advance.

Let’s start with simple gamesthat you all probably know.

So for example

to play chess(Šachy)to play rock-paper-scissors (Kámen-nůžky-papír)to play battleship (Lodě)to spinthe bottle (Flaška)

And what about this one?

Checkers (Dáma)

Nobody knows?Okay,I will try to explain it.It’s almost the same as chess but you play with black and white wheels.

Tic-Tac-Toe or Noughts and crosses (Piškvorky)

It’s a paper and pencil game.Two players will choose their symbols and play the game.The game ends when the player has three or five points in row or in diagonal.

Hangman (Šibenice)

It’s a board game.One person will think about something and then he will mark how many letters theword have.If you succeed,the letter will be written,if you fail,you will die.

Hide and seek (Na schovávanou)

You can play this game with more people.Someone counts,other hides.The point is– „it“ must find the people around and catch them.

MarcoPolo/Blind man’s buff (Slepá bába)

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