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The mass media bring news about what has happened home and in the world.

They play an important role in

everyone's life.

They provide education, entertainment and tools to spread news quickly. The most common

platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet.


Before there was the Internet, television, or the radio, there was the daily press. The daily press was the
original platform for mass media. For a long period of time, the public relied on local newspapers journalists
to provide them with the latest news.

Today the daily press still has an important role to play, informing its readers about the latest news in
political, culture and economic life. But we can find there also interviews with famous personalities or the
most important sports results.

The front page contains the hottest political issues from both inside and outside the country, sometimes with
documentary photos. In the newspapers we can find several reports, articles, reviews and adverts which
make people to buy something. Some dailies like to put an editorial on the front page. The editorial is
usually written either by Editor-in-Chief or some other significant personality on some of the economic or
political issues. Inside, there are news on various areas of everyday life. Apart from political issues culture is
a popular section. These reports, or reviews, must be written by well-informed people as they have a
massive influence on the readers. Almost every reader likes to read essays such as columns. Other extremely
popular section is sports. Fans find the results of various sports matches and opinions of sports editor on
that. This section occupies the last pages of each paper. However, some news are sad. There is a section on
things like road accidents, robberies or even murders, too.

People who make newspapers are: editors, reporters, journalists and photographers. Editor controls daily
production, journalists and reporters report news and write articles. Photographers take the pictures in the

Supplements are pages put inside the main newspaper. There are various supplements and it is up to the
editors to decide when to publish their supplement and what to include in it. In general, there are: Huge
- appearing once in a week, normally on Thursday or Friday. These contains a mixture of news
and entertainment for everyone. Small supplements accompany the paper each day specialising in one topic
such as hobbies, job, advertisement or housing. Job and personal advertisement are among the most popular
sections. In addition, supplements may specialise in something that is topical in that time of the year (for
example taxes in the spring, universities in the autumn).

Newspapers can be divided according to how often they come out: They are dailies or weeklies. Readers
may receive them through newspapers delivery or buy them at the news stand. Newspapers are also divided
according how serious they are:

Broadsheets, or quality papers, are larger in size, with a few black and white pictures. The text is serious,
reliable and unemotional. The most frequent quality papers in Britain are: The Times, The Daily Telegraph,
The Guardian and The Independent.In the Czech Republic are for example: Deník N, E15, Lidové noviny,
Hospodářské noviny.

Tabloids are smaller in size. They have shorter texts with many coloured pictures, and there are large
headlines that tell the whole story. They are not very serious, there are just gossips and sensational news.
The information they give is very subjective. The first paragraph of tabloid is called intro, it's written in bold
typing. The tabloids in Britain with the biggest circulation are The Daily Mirror, The Sun or The People. In
the Czech Republic are most popular for instance: Blesk, Aha!, Metro.

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