The British Mass Media
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The BBC WORLD SERVICE broadcasts to almost every country of the world in 37 languages including English. The main English services include the World Service in English which is broadcast world-wide 24 hours a day.
There is a good choice of television channels in Britain. The television started to broadcast in 1936.
The main TV domain BBC has an opponent in the ITV. The differnece between them is that the income of the BBC is from the sale of television licences and there is no advertising, but the service of the ITV is financed by the advertisements.
There are four television channels: BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV and CHANNEL 4.
The BBC 1 presents a wide range of programmes for people of all interests, the same pays for the BBC 2 but there is a heavy accent on educational programmes.
The two indenpendent Television channels are the ITV and Channel 4, they present programmes with a popular appeal, artistic and cultural interests.
There are short advertising intervals in and between programmes. The advertisers pay the programme companies for the advertising time. Therefore the ITV and Channel 4 are also calles „commercial televisions“.
International satellite links make it possible to exchange programmes between Europe and America. 8 British based satellite TV channels have been set up to provide programmes in Britain and Europe.