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The early american history (vikings, 1492, 1607 Jamestown, Civil war)

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- Yankee – north and east, during civil war x Dickies

- intellectuals, live in one Boston neighbourhood, surnames, protestants, exclusive, Harvard, accent

- only marry within clans, keep both names

- white protestant rich educated

- late 19th early 20th century, extravagant – lions like pets¨

- posh

- permanent settlement – Jamestown 1607 – king James

- James – king, Virginia – Elizabeth I.

- Virginia company – population – colony – Elizabeth I.

- entrepreneurs = podnikatelé

- they will get rich, richer people, had enough money to buy the slaves

- labour, kids, prisoners, not slaves indentured servants (7 years – then free)

- 2 prisoners sentenced to death, 1 gone to America, other one preferred to stay in prison

- certain chunk of population for whom going in unknown country was only option, nothing to lose

- brides for sale - young, Pocahontas, Virginia company took prostitutes from streets of London and brought them there, taken to usa

- young girls 15-19

- sold for 120 pounds of tobacco leaves


- 4th of July 1776

1) - taxation impost by the British – because of seven years war (FRxVB) – conflict over superiority over European power over seas

- first global conflict

= French Indian war – term used by Americans

- British won, cost of the war – proto daně

- empire, in debt, needed funds

- said to the colonists that they need to pay for the expenses

- Oliver Cromwell – navigation acts

- applied on list of gods and comodities

- colonies were forbidden to trate with other country than England

- The Stamp Act: 1765 – kolek = zákon o kolkovném – BRITISH WERE IN DEBT FROM SEVEN YEARS WAR – NEEDED TO RAISE MONEY – 1756 - 1763

Na všechno papírové zboží (časopis, noviny, karty) I legal documents – drahé, making money from it

- colonists se bouří

- all the paper products – newspaper, magazines, legal documents

- “no taxation without representation” is tyrony – Franklin recycled it

- founding fathers = constitution and declaration – Adams. Jefferson, Franklin

- wanted to have representation, didn’t want to break from British empire

- 1st Continental Congress- wanted to stay as part of Britain

- 2nd political and military accion

- Boston Massacre – nelíbil se jim stamp act

- colonists were angry because of the stamp act, they gaddered, protested, Boston Harbour, british soldiers, troops

- Paul Revere – engraving (rytina) was published I nthe boston gazzete

- troops marched into the crowd, they started to throw snow balls, stones in the snow balls, colonists were the first start

- one of British troops is depicted

Proč je to ve favour of colonists?


2. faces

3. enjoying the violence

4. colonists – gentlemen

5. butches hall, customs office

6. women

Butchers hall – symbolize opprecion, customs office – cla, stamps, taxation

- propaganda

Americans started the conflict, not British 1770

1770 Boston massacre

- 1773 Boston tea party

- dressed as Indians – get some time, to not be blamed

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