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Health is the most precious thing we have. We should protect it. Prevention plays a big role, and everybody should go to regular check-up every year. Small children are vaccinated against various illnesses such as tuberculosis, tetanus, whooping cough or other diseases. Sometimes the vaccination must be repeated a few years later. A good form of prevention is healthy lifestyle, eating vitamins and visiting spa. Spa aren’t only for sick people but also for healthy ones as well. It gives us chance to restore energy and relax.

In my point of view, every household should have well-stocked medical kit. It should contain at least thermometer, bandages, tourniquet, plaster, medicine (soft coal, pain killers, vitamins), disinfectants, scissors and so on. I always try to carry first-aid kit with me. You never know what happens. That is also why everyone should know how to give first aid to somebody.

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