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for-all in Ireland, and gradually developed into 
an alternative form of football that is also played 
in parts of the US.

 15.   Australian Rules football is very similar to the      

type of football played in England and Scotland, 
but there are 18 players representing each team 
instead of 11.

Subjects for further discussion and study

  1.  Are you a football fan? Why is football such a popular sport?
  2.  Do you support any particular football team? If so, which team 

is this, and why have you chosen to support it?

  3.  Try to find out which British teams took part in the FA Cup 

Final at Wembley Stadium during the last two years.

  4.  Do you have any particular football hero? If so, write a 

description of this person, and then be prepared to describe this 
person to others.  

Témata, do kterých materiál patří