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Syntax - semináře zápisky

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Syntax AJ


A Student’s Grammar of the English Language (Greenbaum, Quirk)

A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (Quirk)

Longman English Grammar

  • 2 absence, 2 tests

  • Morphology deals with word classes

  • Syntax

Word classes

  • Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections

+ determiners = articles (definite, indefinite, zero)

  • When we put words together, we get – clause OR sentence

  • Clause = A group of words which forms a grammatical unit - we have subject, verb, object… there

  • Sentence = Also a group of words which forms a complete thought.

    • We can have a simple sentence – it consist of only 1 clause

    • We can have a compound sentence (SOUVĚTÍ SOUŘADNÉ) this sentence must have at least 2 main clauses (2 independent clauses) – they are equal (SOUVĚTÍ SOUŘADNÉ)

      • Main clause = an independent clause

    • We can have a complex sentence (SOUVĚTÍ PODŘADNÉ)– this sentence consist of at least 1 main clause and 1 or more subordinate (podřadná) clauses

Sentence/clause elements

  • Subject (podmět), verb, object (předmět), complement (doplněk), adverbial (příslovečné určení) – basic sentence elements

  • Attribute (přívlastek) – it is not considered as a basic sentence element

7 types of simple sentences

  1. SV The sun is shining.

  2. SVO The lecture bored me.

  3. SVC Your dinner seems ready. (complement)

  4. SVA My office is in the next building. (We can ask - WHERE?)

  5. SVOO I must send my parents a card. (Objects: My parents – 3rd case, indirect object; a card – 4th case, direct object)

  6. SVOC Most students have found her reasonably helpful.

  7. SVOA You can put the dish on the table. (Object – 4th case) (Adverbial)

He’ll get a surprise. SVO Extensive monotransitive verb

He’s getting angry. SVC Intensive verb

He got through the window. SVA Intensive verb

He got a splendid present. SVO Extensive monotransitive verb

He got his shoes and socks wet. SVOC Extensive complex transitive verb

He got himself into trouble. SVOA Extensive complex transitive verb

  • 2 objects of the same kind = a multiple object


  1. SVC – I felt very tired. Intensive verb

  2. SV – My feet hurt. Extensive intransitive verb

  3. SVOO – The receptionist handed me the key Extensive ditransitive verb

  4. SVO – I wanted food. Extensive monotransitive verb

  5. SVOA – I placed my coat over a chair. Extensive complex transitive verb

  6. SVOO – I ordered myself something to eat. Extensive ditransitive verb

  7. SVC – It seemed sensible. Intensive verb

  8. SVA – I lay on bed. Intensive verb

  9. SVO – A waiter brought coffee and sandwiches. Extensive monotransitive verb

  10. SVOA – He set the tray on a table. Extensive complex transitive verb

  11. SV – I was yawning. Extensive intransitive verb

  12. SVOC – I found the bed rather hard. Extensive complex transitive verb

  13. SVA – The thick curtains extended to the floor. Intensive verb

  14. SVA – But the hotel was situated on a busy street. Intensive verb

  15. SVOC – The traffic noise kept me awake. Extensive complex transitive verb

Témata, do kterých materiál patří