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Syntax - semináře zápisky

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Air contains both oxygen and water.

3. Combine each groups of sentences in 3 ways:

a) punctuation b) coordinating conjunction c) conjunctive adverb

a) Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order. He decided to obey it anyhow.

↓ Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order. He decided to obey it anyhow. (contrast)

  • Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order; he decided to obey it anyhow.

  • Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order ,BUT he decided to obey it anyhow.

  • Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order; HOWEVER, he decided to obey it. (or we can use STILL, NEVERTHELESS)

  • BTW: (Its's ';' → ',', i.e. a semi-colon before the conjunctive ADV and a comma after it)

↓Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order. He decided to disobey it. (result) +1 ; Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order, SO he decided to disobey it. Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order; THEREFORE , decided to disobey it. (CONSEQUENTLY)

↓Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt. He invited her to his wedding anyhow. (contrast) +1 ; Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt, BUT he invited her to his wedding anyhow. Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt; HOWEVER, he invited her to his wedding anyhow. (STILL, NEVERTHELESS)

↓Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt. He won’t invite her to his wedding. (result) +1 ; Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt SO he invited her to his wedding anyhow.

↓The young man needs a car for his work. He is going to buy one right away. (result ← ???) +1 ; The young man needs a car for his work, SO he is going to buy one right away. The young man needs a car for his work; THEREFORE, he is going to buy one right away. (THUS, CONSEQUENTLY)

4. Combining independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions.

Punctuate the sentences by adding commas or periods. Do not add any words. Capitalize where necessary.

The boys walked the girls ran. → The boys walked. The girls ran.

The teacher lectured. The students took notes. (full stop added, ← a period for American extremists)

The teacher lectured (,) and the students took notes. (not necessary)

Elena came to the meeting, but Pedro stayed home. (a comma is necessary)

Elena came to the meeting. Her brother stayed home. (full stop added, ← a period for American extremists)

Her academic record was outstanding, yet she was not accepted by the university. (a comma is necessary) - meaning – however, nevertheless

I have not finished writing my term paper yet. I will not be finished until sometime next week. (full stop added, ← a period for American extremists) – I have not finished it (meaning - ještě ne)

We had to go to the grocery store for some milk and bread. (OK) – for = preposition

We had to go to the grocery store, for there was nothing in the house to fix for dinner. (a comma is necessary) - for = coordinating conjunction

Kostas didn’t have enough money to buy an airplane ticket, so he couldn’t fly home for the holiday. (a comma is necessary)

I know that you are a good sportsman.

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