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Syntax- přednášky

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4. 2. 2019

- We have to send Consolidation Exercise → from authentic text

- It must have solution, přinést třeba 10 kopií


They mostly marry within their communities which mean the genes that existed when their ancestors got to America have remained.

They mostly marry within their communities = Main clause (MC)

…which mean.. = sentential relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

…the genes + have remained = nominal “that” clause/function: object (O)

…that existed.. = Defining relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

…when their ancestors got to America.. = adverbial clause of time/function: adverbial (A)

There are so many elderly people in the Amish community that are cared for by their relatives that it pays huge health dividends.

There are so many elderly people in the Amish community = Main clause (MC)

…that are cared for by their relatives… = defining relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

…that it pays huge health dividends. = adverbial clause of result/function: adverbial (A)

When you are President of the USA, you should not complain about the job because no one is going to feel sorry for you even though the challenges may be enormous.

…you should not complain about the job... = main clause (MC)

When you are President of the USA = adverbial clause of time/function: adverbial (A)

…because no one is going to feel sorry for you… = Adverbial clause of reason/function: adverbial (A)

…even though the challenges may be enormous. = Adverbial clause of contrast/function: adverbial (A)

The portrait of Trump that is painted in the book is shocking because he looks like a President who is almost annoyed by the office he holds.

The portrait of Trump…is shocking = Main clause (MC)

…that is painted in the book… = Defining relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

…because he looks like a President… = adverbial clause of reason/function: adverbial (A)

…who is almost annoyed by the office… = Defining relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

…he holds. = Defining relative clause/function: post-modification (PM)

Reported speech

  • Framing clause – what was originally direct speech becomes indirect speech – we need nominal clause (He said that…)

  • When the reference is “then”

    • We backshift tenses

    • We change time and place adverbs (now → then, here → there, tomorrow → the day after)

    • We change pronouns

  • When the reference is “now”:

    • We change only pronouns and tenses (not time and place)

Collective nouns

  • It can refer to a whole

  • It can refer to group of individuals

  • Government, class

  • We can use singular or plural verbs

  • Singular - Plural

    • Personal pronouns

      • It → They

    • Possessive pronouns

      • Its → Their

    • Relative pronouns

      • Which → Who

Functions of finite clauses:

  • Post-modification

  • Adverbial

  • Noun phrases – Subject, object, complement

  • Comments

Finite clauses

  1. Relative clauses

  • They function as post-modification (noun phrases)

  1. Nominal clauses

Témata, do kterých materiál patří