Teachers role
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• Being reliable about things like timetables and
homework (´practise what you preach´ );
• Mind the TTT and the STT:• Teacher-talking time and students-talking
Roles of a Teacher
• Within the classroom – the roles change from
one stage of activity to another;
• The general role – facilitator – all the roles aim
to facilitate the learner´s progress;
• Controller, organiser, assessor, prompter,
participant, resource, tutor, observer
Roles of a Teacher
1. Controller• In charge of the class and of the activity taking
• Takes the roll, tells students things, practises
drills, reads aloud, carries out the ´teacher-
fronted´ classroom;
• The role of controller works well with
charismatic and knowledgeable teachers;
• Negatives:
• Little experiential learning;
• Cuts down on opportunities for the students
to speak
• Lack of variety in activities;
• Suitable for: announcements, order restored,
giving explanations, answering questions;
2. Assessor• Indication of the students´ ´getting their English
• Offering feedback + correction, grading;
• Students need to know how and for what they
are being assessed!
• Tell the students what success looks like so that
they can measure themselves against this;
• Be fair!
• Bad grade should be given with sensitivity and
3. Organiser• Organising students to various activities;
• giving information, instructions, putting
students into pairs, groups, closing down
• An important role to prevent chaos and get
the students to be involved, engaged and
• Organizing and activity
• Lead-in → instruct (demonstrate) → initiate →
organise feedback
• Timing – when starting the activity, give the
time limit;
4. Prompter• When the students ´lose the thread of what´s
going on´ or when the students are ´lost for
• This covers occasional help, provided with
• Most frequently – prompting students to
speak English in class;