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Teachers role

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the quiet students and control the more talkative 


• Having good rapports in the classroom

• Successful teachers x unsuccessful teachers


• 3 reasons for discipline problems
• the teacher
• the students
• the institution

Discipline – the teacher

Do not go to the class unprepared
Do not be inconsistent
Do not issue threats
Do not raise your voice
Do not give boring classes
Do not be unfair
Do not have a negative attitude to learning
Do not break the code

Discipline – the students

Time of day
The student’s attitude
A desire to be noticed
Two’s company

Advice for beginner teachers

• Be firm with students at the start: you can relax 


• Get silence before you start speaking to the class.
• Know and use the students‘ names.
• Prepare lessons thoroughly and structure them 


• Be mobile: walk around the class.
• Speak clearly

Advice for beginner teachers

• Make sure your instructions are clear.
• Have extra material prepared.
• Look at the class when speaking, and learn 

how to scan.

• Make work appropriate.
• Develop an effective questioning technique
• Develop the art of timing your lesson to fit the 

available period.

• Resources:
• Jeremy Harmer, English Language Teaching, 

Longman, 2001;

• Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English, 

Longman, 2007. Chapter 2

• Jeremy Harmer, Practice of English language 

teaching, Longman, 1991. Chapter classroom 
mamagement 11.1., 11.3

• Penny Ur, A Course in ELT, Cambridge, 2012, 



• Why do teachers have to be adaptable, and 

able to perform different roles at different 
lesson stages?

• Why is it good to create good teacher-student  

rapport,  and how do you create it?

• What areas should teachers be competent in?

Témata, do kterých materiál patří