Teachers role
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Teacher´s Skills and Knowledge;
Teacher´s Role in the Classroom;
Students appreciate such a teacher who has
his/her own personality and doesn‘t hide it from
( Harmer 2007: 24)
Good x bad teachers
There is not a universal definition of a good
A good teacher is a teacher who is:
SYSTEMATIC, reliable, hard-working/diligent,
strict, just, reasonable, modest, interested in his
subject + constantly learning it, calm +
humorous !
Professional teachers
“Professionalism means preparing oneself to do a
competent job through learning.“
( Ur, 2002: 389)
Pre-service or in-service training
Reflection of experience
Discussion with colleagues
Three areas of teacher‘s competence
• T knows the language system
• T is a proficient English speaker
• T knows the culture of English speaking countries
• Linguistic and cultural studies
Subject matter
• T explains the new language to Ss
• T practises the language and develops skills in learners
• T can prepare tests
• T can manage the class
• Sense of humour
• Patient
• communicative
Teacher‘s knowledge
• language systems (students have the right to ask
the ´Why-questions´!!);
• materials and resources (monolingual learners´
• classroom equipment (language laboratory, data
projectors, interactive whiteboard, blogs etc.);
• keeping up-to-date (attending conferences and
seminars for teachers, reading magazines, using
websites, etc.);
Teacher‘s skills
• Manage classes ( equipment, grouping,
starting/finishing activities, instructions,
• Match content, task and groups( planning,
• Interesting, appropriate levels, setting
• Monitor learning outcome
- conclude activities, give feedback, prepare tests
Teacher‘s tasks
• Preparation (includes the knowledge we have
of the subject + the skills of teaching);
• Keeping records of what we have taught, of
how well things have gone - evaluating
successful activities and outcomes;