Přednášky - topic 4, 5, 6
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Classroom Management
What is classroom management?
The skill of creating the conditions in which learning can take place
Organisational skills and techniques
Learners are part of management – you have to know your learners
Classroom management involves both decisions and actions
What do we have to decide on?
We have a plan to teach, how to teach
Change the strategy (when we see that students don’t work, they are bored)
Choose possibilities
There is no perfect lesson
Teacher in the classroom
Proximity – distance of the teacher from students
Appropriacy – you use appropriate language, you don’t look on students from top
Movement – you shouldn’t just sit at the desk, should move appropriately
Awareness – you should be aware of the situation – if students don’t follow instructions
Classroom management
1. Grouping and seating
2. Activities (sequencing, starting, ending, timing)
3. Giving instructions, teacher‘s body language, speaking clearly and appropriately
4. Giving feedback, encouraging, error correction
5. Authority, discipline, attention
6. Starting and ending lessons
7. Tools and techniques
1. Grouping and seating
Forming groups, singles, pairs, mingle, plenary
Arranging and rearranging seating – might be in horseshoe, in circle
Deciding where you will stand or sit
Reforming class as a whole group after activities
Whole-class teaching
It reinforces a sense of belonging among the group members (sharing amusement, emotions)
Is suitable for giving explanations and instructions
Is more cost-efficient (material and organisation-wise)
Is good for the teacher to see general understanding of student progress
The students and teachers feel secure (students listen), well-organised
Students are more confident
It favours the group, individual students do not have much chance to say anything on their own
Many students are disinclined to participate
It is not suitable for communicative language teaching, task-based activities
Increase of students time talk
Teacher should observe and decide if it is possible to work in pairs (some students don’t like other students)
Students work and interact independently - promotes learner independence
It allows the teacher to work with one or two pairs while the others continue working
Promotes cooperation, sharing responsibility
Quick and easy to organize
Noisy and some teachers and students dislike it
Change the topic and the point of the activity
Not popular with some students
Choice of partner can be problematic
Students talking time is higher
Dramatically increases the amount of talking for individual students
Personal relationships are less problematic
Encourages broader skills of cooperation and negotiation than pair-work
Promotes learner autonomy – making their own decisions in the group
The students can choose their level of participation
Not all students enjoy it
Roles that become fossilized
Longer to organise than pairs
Beginning and ending may be chaotic
Students who are quiet all the time/students who talk all the time