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Teachers role

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5. Participant• To mutually enjoy the lesson, the teacher can 

sometimes participate in an activity;

• Be careful – not to become dominant;

6. Resource• the role based on providing vocabulary 

support and other related information;

• Resources should be provided if the teacher 

does not know the answer; 

• 7. Tutor• When the students are working on longer projects, 

longer written tasks; preparation for a talk or debate

• Working with individuals and small groups;
• More personal contact, support, help;

• 8. Observer• When observing (oral communicative activities), avoid 

to draw attention to yourself;

• take notes on both what the students did wrong and 

what they did well !

• Observe also the success/usefulness of the materials 

and activities involved;

Teacher‘s profession

• Transmission of knowledge;
• Creating conditions for the learners to learn 


• teacher-centered x learner-centered teaching;

Learner-centered teaching

• Recent trend;
• The syllabus adjusted to learners´ needs;
• The measure of a good lesson – the students´

activity taking place;

• Teacher – not the ´giver of knowledge´, the 

´controller´, the authority, but a facilitator and a 


• Not all methodologists agree; O´Neil – influential 

methodologist of the 90s: ´The learner-

centredness may lead to neglect´ (1991); 


is the relationship T has with Ss and visa versa

Good rapport = Ss are aware of T‘s, professionalism, 
T respects Ss, and Ss respect you.
The lessons are always positive, enjoyable and 
According to  Rogers good rapport is based on 
Respect, empathy, authenticity

• Rapport• recognising students (knowing students´ names + 

knowing about students); 

• listening to students (make yourself available to 

listen to individual students); 

• respecting students (correcting students – not 

using mockery or sarcasm or expressing despair 
at their efforts, responding to indiscipline 

• being even-handed (show impartiality, draw out 

Témata, do kterých materiál patří