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Families of languages

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  1. Polysynthetic or incorporating languages

  • Words are often very long and complex, containing agglutinating and inflectional features

  • Highly complex words may be formed by combining several stems and affixes

  • Usually making nouns into parts of the verb forms

  • Some linguistic do not regard this as a separate typological category

The problem of classification

  • There are a lot of possible classifications – if two languages are 90% similar in phonology and 50% similar in grammar, what is more important?

  • Both classifications ignore relevance of cultural links between languages – borrowing words..

  • Sometimes, because of borrowing words and two languages being influenced one another, it seems they have a common origin

  • Some linguists tried to move away from a classification into general types -> using individual structural criteria (for example number of morphemes per word in the sentence)

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