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5. Language Games

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Wittgenstein's rejection of the possibility of private language is the beginning of a dispute on the origin of the human language faculty:

  • behaviourism (W. V. O. Quine) – we are born as “tabula rasa”; we learn language based on ostension and behavioural stimuli

  • nativism (Noam Chomsky) – our general linguistic competence is innate and includes universal grammar; during language acquisition we associate internal language (i-language) with external languages (e-language)

Wittgenstein, “Philosophical Investigations”, 1953


1. How can we know what the word “pain” means? Everyone knows the pain from their own perspective, so it’s hard to know what others mean by using the word

2. Explain the thought experiment of “a beetle in a box”.

3. Do we need objects to understand words?

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