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8/25/2016 11:36 AM 

Reining in a Culture of Fraud: Adopting Incentive-Based 

Regulations to Reform Corporate Governance in Japan 


On July 21, 2015, Toshiba’s CEO Hisao  Tanaka announced that he was 

resigning from the corporation to take responsibility for his involvement in an 
accounting scandal that caused Toshiba to overstate its profits by 
approximately $1.2 billion USD.1 The fraud resulted from of a top-down effort 
by Toshiba’s employees to inflate the company’s net income.2 Top executives 
at Toshiba set almost impossible profit targets, and pressured employees to 
meet those targets by any means, including the fraudulent inflation of profits.3 
A lack of internal controls, combined with a corporate culture that demands 
strict obedience to management decisions, resulted in a fraudulent inflation 
scheme spanning over a seven-year period.4  The scandal was ultimately 
uncovered when Japan’s securities watchdog, the Securities and Exchange 
Surveillance Commission (“SESC”), launched a probe into Toshiba’s 
accounting practices and discovered the misconduct.5 

Toshiba’s fraudulent accounting scandal was not an isolated incident 

among Japanese corporations. A multitude of accounting fraud scandals 
regarding overstating profits have occurred in Japan: the Olympus Corporation 
for $1.7 billion USD in 2011, IHI Corp. for $4.6 billion USD in 2007, Nikko 
Cordial Corp. for $13.7 billion USD in 2006, and Kanebo Ltd. by 210 billion 
Yen in 2004.6  Accounting scandals, like the above mentioned, have serious 
economic implications on companies and investors.7 It is not unusual for such 

1  J. William Carpenter, Toshiba’s Accounting Scandal: How It Happened,  INVESTOPEDIA  (Aug. 13, 

2015), http://investopedia.com/articles/investing/081315/toshibas-accounting-scandal-how-it-happened.asp. 

2  Id. 

3  Id.  

4  Id. 

5  John Boyd, Key Questions in Toshiba Scandal Still Unanswered,  AL  JAZEERA  (Oct. 15, 2015, 6:24 

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