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c) net earnings

  1. What is the bottom line ?

    b) net profit/loss

  2. Which item(s) are fixed assets ?

    c) office buildings

  3. How can you calculate asset turnover ?

    c) revenue divided by average total assets

  4. What is turnover ?

    b) revenue

  1. Tick sentences which are true about cash flow statement ?

    b) Cash raised by selling stocks shows up in financial cash flow

    c) Cash flow shows the change in the company till

    d) Cash paid for salaries show up in operating cash flow

  2. EBIT is normally ...........EBITDA.

    b) higher than

  3. What is acquisition ?

    a) a takeover

    b) buying a majority stake in a company in a bidding process

  4. What does „historic cost convention“ say ?

    d) assets are shown at a value based on the costs when they were acquired

  5. What does „prudence convention“ say ?

    a) the sales value of asset must be recorded when it’s lower than cost value

  6. What does „going concern convention“ say ?

    b) the company is presumed to operate indefinitely

Chapter 8

  1. What is phishing ?

    c) fraud based on identity theft

  1. What is CAR in banking terminology ?

    b) capital adequacy ratio

  1. Which of the following is true about CAR ?

    a) the minimum CAR level is set by CNB

    b) it is capital divided by risk weighted assets

  2. How can you pay money into your account ?

    a) I can transfer funds from another account

    c) I can make a cashback

    d) over the counter

  3. What is overdraft ?

    a) when I take out too much money and my balance is negative

  1. Which of the following is true about interest rates ?

    c) when the economy is in a slow-down the central bank cuts them

  1. Which of the following is the task of the CNB ?

    a) setting monetary policy

    b) maintaining price stabilit

    d) maintaining confidence in the national currency

  1. What is casback ?

    c) a way to take money out

  1. Tick sentences which are true about the CNB ?

    b) The CNB’s are regulated by law

  1. How can you keepa track of your account ?

    a) through cash machines

    b) through electronic account statement

    c) through online banking

d) through telephone banking

Chapter 9

  1. What is HTML ?

    a) a code which I can make the design of my web site

    b) Hyper Text Markup Language

  1. What is SSL ?

    c) it’s an encryption to secure payment gateways

  2. What is e-waste ?

    c) ICT devices and their parts which are scrapped

  3. Which of the following abreviations refer(s) to processor ?

    a) CPU

  4. Which of the following abreviations describe(s) computer monitors ?

    a) CRT

d) LCD

  1. Which of the following harmful substances do ICT devices contain ?

    a) flame retardant

b) mercury

c) lead

d) PVC

  1. What is Bisphenol A ?

    a) a chemical added to plastic to make it more fire-resistant

b) a flame retardant

c) a poisonous substances causing severe hormonal disorders

d) a toxic plastic additive which evaporates

  1. Which of the following is true about PCB‘s ?

    a) they are banned in OECD countries

    c) they have been proved to cause cancer and reproductive problems

d) they accumulate in fat tissues of human body

  1. Tick sentence which are true ?

    b) E-waste can poison underground waters

    c) E-waste can gets into the food-chain

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