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d) Develop countries have no e-waste disposal facilities

  1. Which of the following items do you need to connect a peripheral to your computer?

    a) a USB connector

    c) a USB port

  2. What is BI?

    b) an abbreviation for Business Inteligence

    c) techniques used to make technologies monitoring of economic performance indicators easier

Chapter 10

  1. When is ADR applied ?

    b) when business partners dedde to resolve their disputes out of court

    c) when alternative dispute resolution is applied

  2. What is the punishment for accepting a bribe in the Czech Republic ?

    d) a financial penalty or 1-15 year in prison

  3. What is the punishment for offering a bribe in the Czech Republic ?

    c) a financial penalty or 1-5 year in prison

  1. Which of the following organisations offer help to victims of gender discrimination ?

    a) Czech Helsinki comitee

b) Gender Studies

c) OSF

d) National Training Fund

  1. Which of the following are the world’s major legal systems ?

    a) socialist

b) islamic

c) continental law

d) case law

  1. Which of the following are is true about discriminal advertising ?

    b) you have no chance to notice that a product is advertised

d) it influences our subsconcious perceptions

  1. Which of the following does the Code of Advertising of the CASC include ?

    a) Advertisements shall not promote or praise conduct detrimental to the environment

b) Advertisements shall observe establised principles of fair competition

c) Advertisements shall not promote irrational consumptions of raw materials and energy producted from non-renewable resources

d) Advertisement shall be decent , honest truthful

  1. Which of the following is true about barrister‘s job ?

    a) she or he doesn‘t have much direct contact with clients

d) she or he is self-employed with unlimimted liability

  1. What can you do if your business partner hasn’t paid a milion crowns for the last order ?

    a) enter a lawsuit

b) write them letters expressing your dissatisfaction

c) ask the Arbitration Court to resolve the problem if there is an arbitration cause in your business contract

d) break away from them

  1. Ageism is ...

    b) a form of discrimination

c) when a person is rejected by potential employers due to his/her age

  1. Which of the following rules of law are binding ?

    a) regulations

    c) directives

d) decisions

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