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Slovíčka - 2. semestr

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administrator (of an estate) - a person appointed by the court to take charge of the dead person’s property if there is no will.

bequeath - to leave or give by will

executor - person appointed by the will to administer the property of the testator

inherit - receive the property of a dead person

inheritance tax - tax paid from money you have received from a dead person

intestate - not having left a will

partial intestacy - there is a will dealing with some of the dead person’s property but not all of it

probate - legal process of settling the estate of a deceased person, the official proving of a will as authentic or valid

succession - the act or process of becoming entitled as a legal beneficiary to the property of a deceased person

testator - person making a will

will - document stating what a person has decided to do with his property after his death

Témata, do kterých materiál patří