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junk food - food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat

convenience food - food that is almost ready to eat when it is bought and can be prepared quickly and easily

fast food - hot food such as hamburgers that is quick to cook or is already cooked and is therefore served very quickly in a restaurant

overeating - we eat more than we need

meal (jídlo dne) - an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion

diet - an eating plan in which someone eats less food, or only particular types of food, because they want to become

thinner or for medical reasons

diet - the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group

cuisine - a style of cooking

food - something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to keep them alive

dish (jídlo na talíři) - food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal

vegetarian - a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals

vegan - a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather

rating disorders:

anorexia - a serious mental illness in which a person does not eat, or eats too little, often resulting in dangerous weight loss

bulimia - a mental illness in which someone eats in an uncontrolled way and in large amounts, then vomits intentionally

overeating - to eat more food than your body needs, especially so that you feel uncomfortably full

Témata, do kterých materiál patří