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In 1867 Alaska was purchased from Russia and in 1893 Hawaii joined the states.

Throughout the 20th century, the US grew as a world power. The First World War was the first time US got involved in war outside of its territory. In 1917, they joined the Allies.

1920s were the years of prosperity (sometimes called the Roaring twenties) but in 1929 there was the Wall Street Crash triggering the Great Dapression.

In WWII the US was neutral but they supplied material to the Allies. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, in 1941, they joined the Allies. In 1945, the US used the first nuclear weapon on Japan.

They also participated in other wars, such as the Cold War (this wasn’t actually a war, but a mistrust between the US and the Soviet Union, and also „a contest“ in conquering the space and the army progress) or the War in Vietnam. The USA also started a war in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001, after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.

Today the United States of America is one of the most powerful countries in the world and has the world’s largest economy and most powerful armed forces.

The country is also well-known in sports and culture. The national sport is baseball and their American culture is known all around the world.

It’s also a country that is very popular for tourists, who come to see its countryside or interesting cities.

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