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8. Unique characteristics of anglo-american culture

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Political parties – Black Panthers – San Francisco – 1st American city to have gay mayor, welcoming and respecting to minorities

  • Immigration:

    • People usually think that America remains the Promised Land, where prosperity and opportunities abound (= oplývat): something about American Dream survives intact (= nedotknutelný).

    • Legal immigrants vs. illegal aliens – careful about which description to use

  • Multi-cultural/Multi-racial society:

    • White Americans are outnumbered by other racial and ethnic groups = browning of America

  • Melting pot or salad bowl:

    • Melting pot = The USA is traditionally called a melting pot because with time, generations of immigrants have mixed/bland together: they have abandoned their cultures to become totally assimilated into American society.

    • + people understand other cultures – equality, avoids clashes or violence

    • - people can loose some culture

    • Salad bowl/pizza pie/mosaic = cultures lives next together don’t bland, integration of the many different cultures of United States residents combine like a salad, as opposed to the more traditional notion of a cultural melting pot. New York City can be considered as being a "salad bowl".

    • + They stick together, cuisine

    • - bad interactions, violence, cultures living next to each other

  • State law and federal law (constitution and amendments):

    • Federal law applies to all citizens living within the national territory

      • Made by the national government in Washington DC

    • Many of laws to the ordinary citizen (divorce, speed limits, alcohol consumption, gambling and education) are made by the individual states

      • for example, death penalty is applicable in 32 states – Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Arizona, etc.

  • Gun violence: Violent crime

    • Origin in 2nd amendment – 1791 right to bear hands, have a right to protect your family and property

    • War of independence – consent of the governed” people need to afgree/aproove what government does, if they decide government is not doing well they can

    • Militia = wanted to protect their land, developed in minutemen (toss guns in a minute/swords) – then trained professional army

    • Serious issue in American society

    • Stem from the fact that guns can still be easily purchased over the counter

    • National rifle association = gun rights advocacy group

    • School shootings -

    • the Columbine High School massacre 1999 two students attempted bombing at high school, the biggest massacre on American high school in history

    • Las Vegas shooting

  • Religion in America:

    • Freedom of religion = one of the basic principles underlying the American Constitution

    • Lack of single united church ← first settlers in America had fled their own countries in Europe in order to escape religious persecution (Quakers, Calvinists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Jews, Catholics).

    • Prayer’s been banned since 1960’s in state supported schools – atheists claimed that being forced to recite a prayer was anti-constitutional

    • Fundamentalists: conservative movement in American Protestantism, since 1830’s

      • Right wing group

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