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8. Unique characteristics of anglo-american culture

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  • Literal interpretation of the Bible + rejection of Darwin’s theory + accuracy of the Scriptures + the imminent and physical Second Coming of Christ + the Virgin Birth + the Resurrection

  • They don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, they are opposed to dancing and attending movies or plays

  • Televangelists: television = important platform for many fundamentalist practitioners (God Squads).

    • 50 million+ people follow the sermons of Televangelists from their living rooms.

  • SectarianismBranch Davidians – David Kurash, political aspect, FBI knew about them being voluntary on the farm, knew that they had guns, Stage of Waco

    Westboro Cult – homosexuality is a sin, they blame homo for having caused 9/11

    Amish – group of traditionalist Christian church with origin in 17th century, fundamental and puritan

    Peoples Temple – Jim Jones – Jonestown Massacre – mass suicide murder

    • A secular society?

      • More than 1500 different religious bodies and sects (including 75 varieties of Baptists alone)

      • The Jews counts for 5 to 8 million.

    • Pop culture:

      • Closely linked to American culture

      • Mainstream, film, music, art, food, fashion → reflexes our tastes that appeals to masses

      • Fast food, jeans at their beginning, pop and country music

    • Selfmademan: someone who work themselves from the bottom (Bill Gates, Obama), usually in business

    • USA is a country of freedom and many possibilities, same as a country of serious problems to be solved

    • Burning issues and paradoxes:

      • Affirmative action (positive racism), political correctness vs racism

      • Sexual puritanism (accusations of sexual harassment -#Metoo) vs biggest pornographic industry (California)

      • Restrictions in selling alcohol vs big amounts consumed

      • Lack of general knowledge

    • Lifestyle/Aspects of life:

      • Patriotism

      • Respect to law, police, army

      • Cars

      • Life on credit (mortgages, loans, credit cards)

      • Combination of desire for comfort, great reliance on gadgets, services – lack of ingeniousness, being less self-sufficient

      • (fast) food

    • Social life:

      • Parties - BBQ

      • Bowling/golf clubs

      • Community work, charities

      • Being a sports club fan

      • Being an active parent

    • Class society:

      • Class is mainly about wealth

      • Equality = important value

      • In theory people should have the chance to move into a higher social class if they work hard = “to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” (without people’s help) – it’s really complicated

      • Classification: rich, poor and middle class

      • Middle class = average, not poor not rich

        • Upper middle class: good salary but not high enough to make them rich

        • “Healthy middle class” – politicians promising reducing taxes for middle class → seen as a trying to appeal to average American

      • Class is not a common topic of conversation outside of politics or social movements.

      • Recent movements: bring class and income inequality more into the public eye

        • “The 1 % and the 99 %” idea → the wealthiest 1 % = super-rich own 40 % of the country’s wealth

      • Private schools = paid for by parents x public schools = paid for and rub by the government

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