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8. Unique characteristics of anglo-american culture

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The Royal Family

  • there have always been voices raised against the British Monarchy, however, it might be said that the majority of Britons are content with it

  • Queen Elizabeth II is currently the head of the UK

  • British queen represents the highest part of hierarchy in the UK more symbolically nowadays

  • the real power in fact lays on the Parliament which is composed of house of commons and house of lords.

The rise of the right wing

  • cultural nationalism

  • anti-islam

  • anti-imigration

  • anti-government

  • they are extremists

  • white nationalism

The mass media

  • British national newspapers are for the most part printed in London using the newest methods of technology available

  • most tastes are catered to by twelve national dailies and nine Sundays

  • perhaps the first thing to strike the foreign observer is the size or „format“ of these papers

  • they are divided up into broadsheets and tabloids (more in Mass Media)

There are many daily and Sunday newspapers, many weekly papers and many periodical publications. The oldest newspaper is The Times. Other famous newspapers are Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Daily Mail etc.

The British TV service was the world’s first public TV service. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) operates 2 national TV channels and 4 national and 32 local radio stations. Its overseas service – The BBC World Service transmits in English and other 36 languages.

The Commonwealth

  • is a free association of 50 sovereign independent states which has evolved from the British Empire

  • there are no legal or constitutional obligations involved in the membership.

Social welfare

  • The National Health Service (NHS) gives largely free treatment for everyone living in Britain

  • people can choose their family doctors (GP = general practitioner)

  • in case of emergency you can call an ambulance by dialling 999 from any telephone

  • about 7 per cent of hospital, dentist and family doctors care is private

  • a small number of hospitals is run by religious or charitable organizations

  • social Welfare includes also various benefits, e.g. retirement pensions (men above 65 and women above 60), sickness benefits, invalidity pensions, injury benefits etc

Ethnic Minorities

  • the main social problems that members of ethnic minorities face are as follows: their children are more likely to need special help, unemployment is disproportionately high, unfamiliarity with the British society

  • Salman Rushdie and his case can be mentioned

  • today, the Indians count for the most numerous ethnic group in Britain

Leisure – volný čas

  • the patterns pf leisure activity changed radically after the WW2

  • the position of women – paid jobs (increase in the 1980s)

  • home-based leisure activities – community spirit

  • high culture – tend to diminish with the rise of the more wealthy mass consumer class and the relaxation of social barriers

  • there are about 2,500 museums in Britain nowadays

  • least but by no means least, there is that most typical of British institutions – the pub

  • pubs provide a meeting place for men and women of all ages and social classes, although until the 1960s they were dominated by working class men

  • the British like a drink (or 2) in company and pleasant surroundings. People under 18 are not allowed. Sporting activities: Golf, rugby, cricket…

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