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Drugs-Let’s All Work To Fight Drug Abuse

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Under the influence of heroin, one may have constricted pupils, droopy eyelids, depression, apathy and decreased physical activity. A frequent user may often sleepy and repeatedly scratch or touch his face and nose.

An overdose can cause slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin convulsions come or death.


LSD is an extremely powerful hallucinogen which is odourless and colorless. Slang expressions for LSD are acid, white lighting and the street expression for the duration of the hallucinogenic effect or high is a trip. As LSD is so potent, the dosage needed for a trip is incredibly small. A microscopic drop of LSD can be put on anything that can be swallowed. The trip can last from two to twelve hours. Bad trip can results in panic, paranoia, loss of control, etc. For several years after taking the drug, the hallucinogenic effect may reappear without any further dose.


Cocaine comes from the leaves of the coca plant. It is an extremely addictive drug, and addiction can begin after first use. It produces a pleasant body sensation described as an intense rush of psychic energy, self confidence or intense sexuality. The effect is felt within ten seconds and lasts about 30 minutes, after which the user must again use it to maintain the stimulating effects which later change into anxiety, uncontrolled talkativeness, rapid heartbeat, increased pulse rate, dilated pupils, headaches, nausea, vomiting and hallucinations, particularly that ants or other insects are crawling under or on the skin (redness of skin from scratching coke bugs).

Continued use can lead to depressions, suicide and death!


There is a category of drugs called inhalants which are actually items found in our homes and they can be bought at many stores (glues, paints, polishes, various sprays and other chemicals).

Many children sniff them and thus damage their health. Inhalant abuse is wide-spread here and many children have died because of sniffing. Most sniffers are teenagers and they begin sniffing between 8 and 12 years of age.

The reason to start sniffing very considerably – curiosity, the desire to try it, the influence of friends, boredom, the lack of love in family life, etc. Sniffing is a kind of escape from the problems.

What are the effects of sniffing? In small doses, sniffing gives a brief feeling of lightheadedness. The high is usually short (15 minutes) and this is why inhalant users sniff several times a day. Chronic sniffers damage their nasal passageways and lungs, throat, liver and their never cells.

Many sniffers are very thin as they lose appetite. They become violent and always end up one of three ways – in hospital, in prison or dead.

Much more could be written about drugs and drug abuse. It has become a real nightmare of our society. The solution is not simple.

However, ignorance is the worst standpoint when facing this topical problem. It concerns us all, so let’s all work together to fight drug abuse!

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