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Technology - ISP on the Czech Market

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Internet Online

On the Czech market since: 1997. INTERNET OnLine provides services of Internet connection via telephone network, permanent lines and recently it also deals with implementation of modern wireless technologies. It offers its services in the whole Czech Republic on uniformed nation-wide telephone number. INTERNET OnLine also offers a wide range of other services such as web hosting and housing, possibility of connection to the Internet in abroad within international roaming, registration of second- and third-order domains, etc. It also offers complex solutions for Internet commerce or IP VPN type services. This year, Internet OnLine focused on support of quality content on Internet not only through its own sites for children (www.majaky.cz) and youngsters (www.gamezone.cz), but also in co-operation with many project that are directed to the fields of culture and education.

Customer support: 24 hours daily helpdesk, free telephone line, possibility to connect from the web site to the Call Centre and chat online with the operator, user can ask for support from web sites in the form of Call back in determined time, join shared pages and fill in application forms. Main advantages of offer: Complex solutions, round-the-clock helpdesk 7 days a week, nation-wide uniformed number for users, 100% peering in the whole Czech Republic, high guarantee of connection.


On the Czech market since: 1999 Customer support. Customer Care Department is available 24 hours a day 7 days in a week. Contactel was founded in 1999 as a public company of České radiokomunikace and Tele Denmark. The aim of the company is to be a high quality, popular telecommunication provider. Contactel successively launched data and Internet services. Currently, Contactel provides services and products intended for private customers and company clients. Contactel presents professional solutions in the area of Internet, voice and data services. Main advantages of the services: Free Internet access (RazDva), high connection capacity and international connectivity, permanent connection monitoring, security.

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