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Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu DOCX.

A. Route via gateway
B. Route via gateway

  1. How long is level 1 (demo) license valid?

A. 24 hours
B. Infinite time
C. 1 month
D. 1 year

  1. The basic unit of a physical network (OSI Layer 1)

A. Frame
B. Header
C. Byte
D. Bit

  1. Select valid MAC-address

A. G2:60:CF:21:99:H0
C. AEC8:21F1:AA44:54FF:1111:DDAE:0212:1201
D. 00:00:5E:80:EE:B0

MAC obsahuje maximálně F

  1. Which ones of the following are valid IP addresses?


  1. How many usable IP addresses are there in a 23-bit ( subnet?

A. 254
B. 510 (2^(32-23)=512-2=510)
C. 512
D. 508

  1. You want to use PCQ and allow 256k maximum download and upload for each client. Choose correct argument

A. kind=pcq pcq-limit=1256000 pcq-classifier=dst-address
B. kind=pcq pcq-limit=256000 pcq-classifier=dst-address
C. kind=pcq pcq-limit=5000000 pcq-classifier=src-address
D. kind=pcq pcq-limit=256000 pcq-classifier=src-address

E. kind=pcq pcq-limit=5000000 pcq-classifier=dst-address

  1. Which of the following is true for connection tracking

A. Enabling connection tracking reduces CPU usage in RouterOS
B. Connection tracking must be enabled for firewall to be effective
C. Connection tracking must be enable for NAT'ed network
D. Disable connection tracking for mangle to work

  1. Which of these are possible solutions to bridge two networks over a wireless link:

A. Both devices in AP mode and enable WDS mode
B. One device in AP mode, another one in station-pseudobridge-clone
C. One device in AP mode, another one in station-pseudobridge
D. One device in AP mode, another one in station

  1. Which of the following Routes statuses are possible?

A. C = Connected
B. S = Static
C. A = Active
D. D = Drop

  1. Action=redirect applies to

A. Route rules
B. DST-NAT rules
C. Firewall Filter rules
D. SRC-NAT rules

  1. When backing up your router by using the 'Export' command, the following happens:

A. Winbox usernames and passwords are backed up
B. The Export file can be edited with a standard text editor after its creation
C. You are requested to give the export file a name

  1. You need to reboot a RouterBoard after importing a previously exported rsc file to activate the new configuration.


  1. If a packet comes to a router and starts a new, previously unseen connection, which connection state would be applied to it?

A. no connection state would be applied to such packet
B. new
C. unknown
D. invalid
E. established

new - a packet which begins a new connection

  1. What is the default protocol/port of (secure) winbox?

A. UDP/5678
B. TCP/8291
C. TCP/22
D. TCP/8080

  1. We have two radio cards in a point-to-point link with settings:
    Card Nr 1.: mode=ap-bridge ssid="office" frequency=2447 band=2.4ghz-b/g default-authentication=yes default-forwarding=yes security-profile=wpa
    Card Nr 2.: mode=station ssid="office" frequency=2412 band=2.4ghz-b/g default-authentication=yes default-forwarding=yes security-profile=wpa2
    Is Card Nr2. able to connect to Card Nr 1.?

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