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  1. Action=redirect is applied in

A. chain=srcnat

B. chain=dstnat

C. chai =forward

Př.: add chain=dstnat action=redirect to-ports=8080 ....

  1. You have 802.11b/g wireless card. What frequencies are available to you?

A. 5800MHz

B. 2412MHz

C. 5210MHz

D. 2422MHz

E. 2327MHz

b i g pracují na frekvenci 2,4GHz

  1. Mark all correct statements aboud /export (rsc file)

A. Exports logs from /log print

B. Exports full configuration of the router

C. Exports only part of the configuration (for example /ip firewall)

D. Exports scripts from /systém script

E. Exports files could not be edited

  1. What wireless card can we use to achieve 100 Mbps actual wireless throughput?

A. 802.11 b/g

B. 802.11 a/b/g

C. 802.11 a

D. 802.11 a/n

E. 802.11 a/b/g/n

Větší propustnost než 100Mbps mají jen 802.11 n,ac,ad takže to budou ty karty s n,

  1. It is possible to add user-defined chains in ip firewall mangle


  1. Choose all valid hosts address range for subnet


  1. Action=redirect allows you to make

A. Transparent DNS Cache
B. Forward DNS to another device IP address
C. Enable Local Service
D. Transparent HTTP Proxy

  1. Which is correct masquerade rule for network on the router with outgoing interface=ether1?

A. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat
B. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat src-address=
C. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade out-interface=ether1 chain=dstnat
D. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1

  1. What letters appear next to a route, which is automatically created by RouterOS when user adds a valid adress to an active interface?

A. I
B. D
C. A
D. S
E. C

Význam písmen - A - active, C - connected, D - dynamic

  1. Mark all features that are compatible with Nstreme

A. WDS between a device in station-wds mode and a device in station-wds mode

B. Encryption

C. WDS between a device in ap-bridge mode with a device in station-wds mode

D. Bridging a device in station mode with a device in ap-bridge mode

  1. Can you manually add drivers to RouterOS in case your PCI Ethernet card is not recognized, and it's a driver issue?

A. Yes
B. No

  1. What protocol is used for Ping and Trace route


  1. From which of the following locations can you obtain Winbox?

A. Router's webpage
B. Files menu in your router
C. Via the console cable
D. mikrotik.com

  1. What kind of users are listed in the Secrets window of the PPP menu?

A. pptp users
B. l2tp users
C. winbox users
D. wireless users
E. pppoe users
F. hotspot users

  1. If you need to make sure that one computer in your HotSpot network can access the Internet without HotSpot authentication, which menu allows you to do this?

A. Users
B. IP bindings
C. Walled-garden
D. Walled-garden IP,

IP bindings povoluje připojení k hostpotu jednomu počítači bez autentifikace

  1. Which default route will be active?
    /ip route
    add disabled=no distance=10 dst-address= gateway=
    add disabled=no distance=5 dst-address= gateway=

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