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A. A: and B:
B. A: and B:
C. A: and B:
D. A: and B:

  1. Why is it useful to set a Radio Name on the radio interface?

A. To identify a station in a list of connected clients
B. To identify a station in the Access List
C. To identify a station in Neighbor discovery

  1. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. Is it possible to set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers ?


  1. MikroTik RouterOS DHCP client can receive following options

A. Byte limit
B. IP Gateway
C. Rate limit
D. Uptime limit
E. IP Address and Subnet

  1. The HotSpot feature can be used only on ethernet interfaces. You have to use a separate access point if you want to use this feature with wireless.


  1. How many different priorities can be selected for queues in MikroTik RouterOS?

A. 8
B. 16
C. 0
D. 1

1 je nejvyšší, 8 nejnižší

  1. A PC with IP can access internet, and static ARP has been set for that IP address on gateway. When the PC Ethernet card failed, the user change it with a new card and set the same IP for it. What else should be done?

A. Old static ARP entry on gateway has to be updated for the new card
B. Nothing – it will work as before
C. MAC-address of the new card has to be changed to MAC address of old card
D. Another IP has to be added for Internet access

Static ARP je vázanej s Mac adresou

  1. Hotspot is required on the interfaces ether2, ehter3, wlan1 (in ap-bridge mode). These interfaces are bridged in the bridge1 interface. Which interface should the Hotspot server be configured on?

A. ether2
B. ether3
C. bridge1
D. wlan1

  1. Mark all the configuration where RouterOS is utilizing the DNS feature

A. Layer-7 packet filter configuration
B. Hotspot configuration
C. Web-proxy configuration
D. PPP Configuration

  1. Which facility should be used, to ensure that clients with radio signal strength poorer than -90 dBm can't connect to interface wlan1 on Mikrotik Access Point?

A. Access List
B. Connecttion List
C. Registered List
D. Hotspot User Profile

  1. /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat in-interface=ether1 protocol=tcp dst-port=3389 action=dst-nat to-address= to-ports=81 The command shown above:

A. Forwards any TCP traffic incoming through ether1 port 81 to the port 3389 of the internal host
B. Forwards all TCP traffic from to port 81 of the interface ether1
C. Forwards any TCP traffic incoming through ether1 port 3389 to the port 81 of the internal host
D. Adds IP address to the interface ether1

  1. How many layers does Open Systems Interconnection model have?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 12

  1. Select all the RouterOS software packages required for configuring a wireless AP

A. advanced-tools
B. wireless
C. routing
D. dhcp
E. system

  1. Mark the queue types that are available in RouterOS

A. FIFO - First In First Out (for Bytes or for Packets)
B. SFQ – Stochastic Fairness Queuing
C. DRR - Deficit Round Robin
D. RED – Random Early Detect (or Drop)
E. PCQ – Per Connection Queuing
F. LIFO - Last In First Out

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