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  1. Mark possible TCP states in the connection tracking table

A. New
B. Syn
C. Related
D. Invalid
E. Estabilished
F. Closed

Syn Sent, Syn Recieved, Established, Fin, Close, Last Ack, Time

  1. What packages allow ROS to perform static routing?

A. system
B. routing
C. multicast
D. wireless

  1. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

B. IP Address
C. MAC Address
D. 802.11g

  1. Which of the following actions are available for '/ip firewall mangle' (select all valid actions)

A. Change MSS
B. Mark Connection
C. Accept
D. Jump
E. Drop
F. Mark Packet

  1. What is the maximum number of ARP entries on a Mikrotik RouterOS device ?

A. Unlimited
B. 2048
C. 8192
D. 10240

  1. You wish to secure your RouterOS system. You do not want the RouterOS to be discoverable using MNDP or CDP. You also want to deny management via the MAC addresses on all interfaces. Select the correct actions to accomplish this

A. Remove/Disable all interfaces under mac-server telnet
B. Remove/Disable all discovery interfaces
C. Remove/Disable all interfaces under mac-Server winbox
D. Add a Deny All input firewall rule
E. Remove/Disable the Interfaces
F. Place a proper forward firewall rule to block mac discovery
G. Place a proper input firewall rule to block mac discovery

  1. What is the correct action for a NAT rule on a router that should intercept SMTP traffic and send it over to a specified mail server?

A. Redirect
B. Dst-nat
C. Passtrough
D. Tarpit

  1. To be able to do NAT the connection tracking does not need to be enabled


Z ofiko mikrotik -> Connection tracking must be enabled in order to use NAT.

  1. Which port does PPTP use by default?

A. UDP 1723
B. TCP 1723
C. UDP 1721
D. TCP 1721

  1. What will happen if "Default forward" is disabled in wireless menu on a RouterOS AP?

A. Only clients with matching access control list rule will be able to connect to the AP
B. AP will not be able to connect to the clients
C. Clients will not be able to connect to each other
D. Clients will not be able to connect to the AP

  1. In the Route List, the identification DAb for a route stands for

A. direct - active - bgp
B. direct - acknowledge - backup
C. dynamic - active - bgp
D. dynamic - active – backup

  1. Simple Queue number 0 defines 2M for upload and download for target IP
    Simple Queue number 1 defines 4M for upload and download for target IP ¨

Client is be able to obtain

A. 4M upload/download
B. 0M upload/download
C. 2M upload/download
D. 6M upload/download

  1. What does the firewall action "Redirect" do? Select all true statements

A. Redirects a packet to a specified IP
B. Redirects a packet to a specified port on the router
C. Redirects a packet to a specified port on a host in the network
D. Redirects a packet to the router

  1. If you wish to block user access to MSN messenger, which chain should the firewall rule be placed in?

A. input
B. output
C. forward
D. process

  1. /interface wireless access-list is used for

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