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  1. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface


  1. A network ready device is directly connected to a MikroTik RouterBOARD 750 with a correct U.T.P RJ45 functioning cable. The device is configured with an Ipv4 address of using a subnet mask of What will be a valid Ipv4 address for the RouterBOARD 750 for a successfull connection for the device





  1. The gateway router is configured with a transparent proxy with the following parameters:

/ip proxy access add dst-host=www.mikrotik.com action=allow

/ip proxy access add dst-host=www.mt.lv action=deny redirect-to=forum.mikrotik.com

When the user is opening www.mt.lv, what is shown in the browser?

A. www.mt.lv

B. forum.mikrotik.com

C. www.mikrotik.com

  1. Hotspot can be configured on a Virtuall AP interface


  1. Wireless clients (mode=station) will work properfly if bridged to ethernet


  1. Where should you upload new MikroTik RouterOS version packages for upgrading router?

A. Any directory in /files

B. System Backup menu

C. FTP root directory or /files directory of the router

D. System Package menu

  1. Is it possible to create a custom firewall chain and use it in both input and forward chains at the same time?


  1. What kind of users are listed in the „/users“ menu

A. hotspot users

B. wireless users

C. router users

D. pptp users

  1. Is action=masquerade allowed in chain=dstnat

A. yes

B. no

C. yes, but it works only for incoming connections

D. yes, but only if dst-addr is specified


  1. MikroTik RouteROS is sending logs to an external syslog server. Whichc protocol and port is used by RouterOs for sending logs (by default)?

A. UDP 514

B. UDP 21

C. TCP 110

D. UDP 113

  1. When „Cache on Disk“ is not checked under the web proxy settings, where does the data get stored?

A. RAM (Memory)

B. System Disk

C. USB Disk

D. It does not get stored

  1. Which options are correct?

A. DST-NAT to define new destination address in our local network for incoming packets

B. SRC-NAT to prevent local network clients access to outside

C. SRC-NAT to prevent access from outside to our local network clients

D. DST-NAT to redirect all packets to router itself

  1. There is an HTTP server in your private network. You have made a DST-NAT rule that sends all HTTP traffic recieved on your router’s address to this server. If you make a firewall rule on the router to disallow address to communicate with the server, how would you identify this communication in this rule

A. src-address= dst-address=

B. src-address= dst-address=

C. src-address= dst-address=

D. src-address= dst-address=

  1. A station can connect to AP if they both use different country regulation settings, but the frequency chosen is allower in both countries.

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