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Myslím si že True

  1. Making use of a narrower channel width such as 10MHz or 5MHz will increase your wireless link speed


  1. MikroTik proxy features are

A. SMTP caching

B. DNS name filtering

C. FTP caching

D. POP3 caching

E. HTTP caching

  1. Which software version can be installed onto the followin RouterBoard types?

A. routeros-powerpc-x.xx.npk on a RB333

B. routeros-mipsbe-x.xx.npk on a RB133

C. routeros-mipsle-x.xx.npk on RB133

D. routeros-x86-x.xx.npk on a RB1100

E. routeros-mipsbe-x.xx.npk on a RB433

  1. While troubleshooting a network from insde the network, you discover that you can ping thegateway reliably, but you cannot browse the Internet. Skype, however, works flawlessly. What is the most likely issue?

A. Network card and/or cable is not working

B. The computer did not get an IP address

C. Masquerading rule is not applied

D. DNS is not available

  1. What does this simple queue do (check the image)

A. Queue guarantees download data rate of one megabit per second

for host

B. Queue guarantees upload data rate of one megabit per second

for host

C. Queue limits host

download data rate to one megabit per second.

D. Queue limits host

upload data rate to one megabit per second.

Na obrázku je max-limit 1M v upload a IP

  1. Action=redirect could be used to redirect a client’s traffic to a specific mailserver


  1. How many wireless clients can connect, when wireless card is configured to mode=bridge?

A. 2007

B. 100

C. 2

D. 1

  1. The RouterOS graphing is used for

A. bandwidth testing

B. bandwidth limitation

C. real-time traffic and resource usage display

D. average traffic and resource usage display

Témata, do kterých materiál patří