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Common law – legal system based on unwritten law

Substantive law:

substantive law can be explained as the set of rules which creates, defines and regulates rights and duties of parties, such as crimes and punishments in criminal law, civil rights and responsibilities in civil law.

Civil law:

Civil law – branches of law regulativ relationships between individuals

civil law is a part of law concerned with noncriminal matters.

Continental law:

Continental law – written law

Continental law is a system of law which developed from Roman law

Public law:

Private law is a branch of law which deals with individuals or corporations

Procedural law:

Procedural law which prescribes the methods of enforcing rights of Rules or Criminal Procedure

counsel X council - the same pronunciation, counsel = a lawyer, council = an official (e.g. administrative or advisory) body of people

executor - can cause misunderstanding:

an “executor” in English = a person who carries out a particular act, or a person who deals with someone’s last will,

an “executor” in the Czech Republic has a specific meaning, this person can be also referred to as a “bailiff” who has different meaning in England (a court officer whose responsibility is to see that documents are served and that orders are obeyed) and in the USA (a deputy to the sheriff)

degree X title - title = position, degree = completed university/college education

experience: two meanings, 1) uncountable = zkušenost, 2) countable = zážitek

Legalese Plain Language hereinunder Below aforementioned Above hitherto Attached/with thereof Of thereupon Then inter alia Among other things Henceforth From now on

damages (monetary compensation) X damage (harm) – uncountable

civil law – two meanings: civil law X common law, civil X criminal law


Precedent can be defined as a legal decision of law which is created by court and is binding for similar cases in the future. It is typical for common law.

Czech Republic UK/US Částka Chapter část, hlava, oddíl part, title, subpart/chapter Paragraph Section Odstavec Subsection písmeno (pododstavec) Paragraph věta/bod Subparagraph

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