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Syntax - přednášky

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Syntax – přednáška

25. 9. 2018

Syntactic characterization of clause elements

The subject

  • Typically a noun phrase – noun, pronoun (in the subjective form HE)

The verb

  • Always realized by a verb phrase

The object

  • Typically a noun phrase – noun, pronoun (in the objective form – HIM)

  • The object may generally (there must be also some exception when it is impossible) become the subject of the corresponding passive clause

    • We changed the plan. (We = subject, change = verb, plan = object) → The plan was changed. (Plan = subject, was changed = verb)

    • Sometimes it can’t be changed – I have a house. → nelze změnit na A house is had by me.

The complement

  • Typically a noun phrase or an adjective phrase. – He is clever

  • Does not have a corresponding passive subject. – He is a teacher. He is nice. – It can’t be subject.

The adverbial

  • Normally an adverb phrase, prepositional phrase, noun phrase or a clause

  • Prepositional phrase – in the afternoon

  • Noun phrase – yesterday

  • Clause – We met when we studied at university

  • Optional/obligatory

Ambiguities - nejednoznačnost

  • She made a good model.

    • It can be: S V C

    • It can also be: S V O

  • I found her an entertaining partner

    • It can be: S V O C → she is funny

    • It can be: S V O O → Some man is funny.

  • He is cooking his family dinner

    • It can be: S V O

    • It can be: S V O O

Clause/sentence parsing

  • The man bought a raincoat.

    • S V O

  • The man who stole the money bought a raincoat with a warm lining.

    • There are attributes (who stole the money AND with a warm lining) – they are not basic elements

    • S V O

  • That tall girl is Angela Hunt.

    • S V C

  • The tall girl standing in the corner who became angry because you waved to her when you entered is Angela Hunt.

    • S V C (attribute - standing in the corner who became angry because you waved to her when you entered)

  • Several people in my class have bought transistor radios with their scholarship money.

    • S (several people in my class) V (have bought) O (transistor radios) A (with their scholarship money)

HOMEWORK: Parse the following sentences in terms of sentence elements and word classes:

Many people have called recent events in Central Europe a turning-point in the history of the world.


  • 4 sentence elements

  • Verb (have called) – extensive – complex transitive verb

Financial reward is not the first objective.


  • 3 sentence elements

  • Verb (is not) – extensive – monotransitive verb

New figures from the Lord Chancellor´s department show that the deal has had no impact.


  • 3 sentence elements, 2 clauses

  • Verb (show) – extensive – monotransitive verb

  • Object - Expressed by means of the clause (Finite)

Moves to end the whole matter have proved a spectacular failure.


  • 3 sentence elements

  • Verb (have proved) – extensive – monotransitive verb

Many teachers find that they can save considerable sums of money while working abroad.


  • 4 sentence elements, 3 clauses

  • Verb (find) – extensive – monotransitive verb

  • Object – expressed by means of the clause (Finite)

  • Adverbial (optional) – expressed by means of the clause (Non-finite)

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