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Syntax - přednášky

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Either your eyesight or your brakes are at fault. → the verb agrees with noun which is closer to it

Neither he nor his wife have arrived.

Neither he nor his wife has arrived.

Coordinative apposition with OR – the verb agrees in number with the first noun phrase

Metalanguage, or words used for describing language, is important for teachers.

Words used for describing language, or metalanguage, are important for teachers.

Quasi-coordination [kvejzaj] – the verb agrees with the first noun phrase

The captain, as well as the other players, was tired. – “as well as…” just look like coordination, but it is not

The ambassador – and perhaps his wife too – is likely to be present.

The Prime Minister, not the monarch, decides government policy.


  • At least two main clauses (when there is one main and the other is subordinate → complex sentence)

Semantic relationship

  1. Slučovací

  • The conjunctions in a compound sentence are coordinating conjunctions - AND

  1. Vylučovací - OR

  2. Odporovací - BUT

  3. Důsledkové - SO

  4. Příčinné, důvodové - FOR

  5. Stupňovací – NOT ONLY – BUT ALSO

Besides = conjunctive adverb X beside = preposition

Besides = it is added what we mention (Besides English I can speak Czech) X except for = it excludes what follows except


  • Restricted to initial position in the second clause

  • Tendency not to repeat in the second clause the subject and operator of the first clause if they are the same

He washed the car and polished it.

You can sleep on the couch in the lounge or go to a hotel.

You can boil an egg, (or) make some sandwiches, or do both.

They are enjoying themselves, or (at least)/(rather) (they) appear to be enjoying themselves.

Switch on the radio or we’ll miss the news. - Positive imperative → negative condition (If you don’t switch the radio, we will miss the news.)

Don’t be too long, or you’ll miss the bus. - Negative imperative → positive condition (If you are too long, you will miss the bus.)

He washed the car, but didn’t polish it.


  • Restricted to initial position in the second clause (this is characteristic feature of coordinating conjunction)

  • Ellipsis of a subject impossible (subordinating conjunction)

  • Does not allow another conjunction to precede it (coordinating conjunction)

We rarely stay in hotels, for we can’t afford it.


  • Restricted to initial position in the second clause (coordinating conjunction)

  • Ellipsis of a subject possible (coordinating conjunction)

  • Allows another conjunction to precede it (subordinating conjunction)

They were tired, so left early.

He couldn’t find his pen, and so he wrote in pencil.


Either – or (emphasises the exclusive meaning of OR)

The boss or his secretary is flying to Berlin.

Both – and (emphasises the additive meaning of AND)

The boss and his secretary are flying to Berlin.

Neither – nor (the negative counterpart of both – and. It emphasises that the negative applies to both units.)

Neither Peter nor his wife wants/want the responsibility.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří