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Syntax - přednášky

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Not only – but (also)

They not only broke into his office and stole his books, but also tore up his manuscripts.

They did not only break into his office and steal his books. They tore up his manuscripts too. (informal)

Not only did they break into his office and steal his books, (but) they also tore up his manuscripts. (formal)

No sooner – than

I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked. → sotva jsem zavřel dveře, někdo zaklepal

No sooner had I closed the door than somebody knocked. (formal) → subject operator inversion

We no sooner sat down in the train than I felt sick.

No sooner did we sit down in the train than somebody knocked. (formal) → subject operator inversion


We were talking and laughing. (addition)

He fell heavily and broke his arm. (result)

Weed the garden and I´ll pay you. (condition)

He finished lunch and went shopping. (time sequence) → instead of “when he finished lunch, he went shopping”

Tom’s 15 and still sucks his thumb. (contrast) → instead of “although Tom’s 15, he still…”

Two kinds of inversion - S V inversion – Here comes the sun.

S operator inversion – we use auxiliary verbs as in question – Not only did they break into…) – for emphasise – often formal language

Coordination and coordinators

1 Coordinators link equal words, phrases or other sentence elements. T or F

2 Two coordinated clauses make a complex sentence. T or F

-They make a compound sentence.(Complex sentence is when one clause is main and the other one is subordinate.)

3 Coordinated clauses tend not to repeat in the second the subject and T or F

operator of the first.

- You can stay and help me.

4 Coordinators can only link verbs, adjectives, adverbials and conjunctions. T or F

- Nouns

5 Any adverbial common to two coordinated verbs in only used with the second. T or F

- He washed and combed in the bathroom.

6 Coordinators are commonly conjunctions and occasionally related adverbs. T or F

- Moreover, in addition, or - otherwise…

7 Zero coordinator is essential in certain sentences. T or F

- In some sentences – Veni, vidi, vici

8 Correlatives are paired coordinators. T or F

- Either – or/ neither – nor/ not only – but also

9 Correlatives are used to emphasise coordinated elements. T or F

- Both Tom and Alice have come.

10 With negative correlatives we use inversion of subject and operator. T or F

- Not only did they break into his house, but they also…

Relative clauses

= vztažné věty

  • Sentence element they express is called “přívlastek” → an attribute

  • Their function – they give us some additional information about noun phrases (subject, object and complement) – they postmodify noun phrases - Postmodification of noun phrases


  • Defining relative clauses are not separated by commas. They give us some essential information about the noun phrases.

A philatelist is a person who collects stamps.


I had a very interesting meeting with Dr. Novák, who collects stamps in his spare time.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří