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I study at the Secondary school of services and business. It is in Ostrava – Poruba. It has two main buildings. The first one is on Příčná street and the second is on Polská street. I study Business in the second building. There are 3 year branches. Pupils are trained as hairdressers, shop assistants and window dressers. There are also 4 year branches. Pupils are trained as photographers, masseurs, cosmeticians and economy and business.

What is your favourite subject at school?My favourite school subject is Czech language. I have it four times a week. We are in the classroom. In this classroom there is a teacher’s table, desks, chairs, blackboard, cupboard and sink. We write tests, make notes, talk about autors (writers) and their books, read samples from books. Also we are learning abour grammar and time periods in literature. I really like our teacher. She is one of my favourite teachers. I think I’m quite good at it. I usually have mark 3.

What did you like most about your school?

I like that teachers are doing something extra for us. They don’t have to do it. I really appreciate it.In your opinion, should students in Czech schools wear unifirms? Why? Why not?I think it can be nice. I would love to wear uniforms. Also for girls it’s better you don’t have to decide what to wear, you just know it every day.

If you could study anything you like, what would you choose?

I would like to study sociology and social work. I’m very interested in it. I'm interested in why people behave the way they behave but also I like to help socially weak people.Can you describe your day at school?

Almost every day we are starting at 8 o’clock. I wake up at 6 o’clock. Then I get dressed. After that I go to the kitchen and have a breakfast. Then I make snack for school. Then I go to the bathroom and clean my teeth. After that I take my things and go to the tram stop. My tram goes at 7:21 and it takes about 30 minutes. I use the tram and at the tram stop Svinov I change for a bus. What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?

I think movies or games can really help to learn language. But the best way to learn is to go to a foreign country and learn language there.What are you going to do after graduation?

I’m going to spend one month with my sister in England. In the autumn I start studying at the university in Opava.


Ostrava is an industrial, business, cultural and educational centre of the North Moravian region.

It is situated about 15 kilometres from the Polish border, on four rivers: on the river Odra, Ostravice, Lučina and Opava. With its population of about 300 000 inhabitants it is the third

largest city in the Czech Republic after Prague and Brno.

Ostrava is an old city, it was founded in the 13th century. Until the 18th century it used to be a small town , but then high quality black coal was discovered in this area and Ostrava became an industrial centre, specialising in mining, metalurgical and chemical industries. However, after the Velvet Revolution in 1989 Ostrava has changed a lot again: the huge iron and steel companies have reduced and reconstructed their production. The last coal was mined in the city in 1994 and the rapid development of business and private enterprise started.

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