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  • metonymy

    • Metonymy is similar, but uses something more generally or loosely associated with a concept to stand in for it. When Americans speak of the Oval Office, for example, they are really referring to the activity within it, the position or function of the President. It’s a linked term, and so a metonym. British writers refer similarly to the Crown, when they’re really discussing the powers, authority and responsibilities of the monarchy, which is symbolised by the crown. The difference between synecdoche and metonymy is that in metonymy the word you employ is linked to the concept you are really talking about, but isn’t actually a part of it.

  • 7. Narratology


    • is a style of representation in fiction and is:

    1. the (fictional) world in which the situations and events narrated occur; and

    2. telling, recounting, as opposed to showing, enacting

    • In diegesis the narrator tells the story. The narrator presents to the audience or the implied readers the actions, and perhaps thoughts, of the characters.

    • diegesis and mimesis have been contrasted since Plato's and Aristotle's times

    • Mimesis shows rather than tells, by means of action that is enacted. Diegesis, however, is the telling of the story by a narrator. The narrator may speak as a particular character or may be the invisible narrator or even the all-knowing narrator who speaks from above in the form of commenting on the action or the characters.

    • point of view

      • autodiegesis – 1st person telling their own story

      • homodiegesis – 1st person telling other people's story

      • heterodiegesis – 3rd person narrators

    1. unlimited privilege ("omniscient")

    2. limited to single character ("selective omniscient" or "limited omniscient")

    3. know a # of characters' thoughts ("multiple selective omniscient")

    4. virtual camera eye ("objective with no privilege")

    8. Psychoanalysis

    Sigmund Freud - id, ego, superego

    • id = všechno založeno na uspokojování slasti a id tento rys našeho nevědomí představuje a zastupuje

      • responsible for the very fundamental human-being

    • ego = neboli „já“, se řídí principem reality a vyrovnává působení složky sociální (superego) a pudové (id), je vědomé i předvědomé, a výsledkem jeho činnosti je naše chování

      • our consciousness

    • superego = řídí se principem dokonalosti

      • how we would like to be in order to be more pleasant and successful in society

    • application of id, ego and superego to Chrystanthemums - u odpovědí si nejsem jistá

      • id – the man

      • ego – how is she fighting with herself inside herself

      • superego – she stayed with her housband

    • how do we find out that she was subordinate to her husband? - opět si nejsem jistá

      • when he is talking to the men on the field, she is not invited to this discussion

    • Electra complex = a girl’s psychosexual competition with mother for possession of father

    • Oedipus complex = a boy’s desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his father

    • girls – penis envy

    • boys – anxiety of castration

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