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  • Langue and parole

    • Langue (French, meaning "language") and parole (meaning "speech") are linguistic terms used by Ferdinand de Saussure.

    • Langue describes the social, impersonal phenomenon of language as a system of signs, while

    • parole describes the individual, personal phenomenon of language as a series of speech acts made by a linguistic subject.

    • Langue = the whole system of language that precedes and makes speech possible

    • Parole = the concrete use of the language

  • Claude Lévy Strauss

    Vladimir Propp

    - Actants=

    villain - evil

    dispatcher - he notices (ex. sth. was stolen)


    princess - or sth. expensive

    father - or the owner

    donor - gives magical objects


    false hero

    Gerard Genette

    - there is no original, first text - we are influenced by what we eperienced

    - hypotext - the previous text

    - hypertext - the new text

    - metatext - meta = about, text that talks about another text, ex. review

    - paratext - separates the world of fiction from reality

    - genotext

    - architext - all text in the world

    Viktor Skhlovski

    - liniar story -

    - frame story - framing story + others (ex. Canterbury tales)

    - analepsis

    - prolepsis

    - story - the events presented by author

    - plot - the events in chronological order

    - defamiliarization -

    - reliable narrator - tells everything, doesn’t hide anything

    - unreliable narrator - tells only partly - maybe because the subject is sensitive

    - omniscient = he knows everything like there is no privacy

    - diegesis

    - intradiegetic

    - escradiegetic - narrator is not in the story, events do not happen to him

    - homodiagetic - narrator is in the story, events happen to him

    - heterodiagetic - narrator is in the story but the events happen to somebody else

    Témata, do kterých materiál patří