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this was a shock for him because he took himself as French but people didn’t take him as French 

it is like belonging and not belonging (you are not who you think you are) 

book: The Wretched of the Earth 


about the French war in Algeria and its torture 


the French tortured the Algerians because they wanted to get useful information quickly 


deals with Algerian victims who were tortured and French victims who tortured the Algerians 


effect: victims suffered both physically and mentally (both sides were tortured) 

book: Black Skin, White Masks 


black Africans were drafted into French army who fought in colonial army 


colonial empires also rely on native population 


it created a conflict of identity: black people behaving like white French people 


French writer of Tunisian-Jewish origin 

he wrote several books, but he is famous for his essay where he tries to understand a stereotype 

essay: The Colonizer and the Colonized 


analysis of stereotypes 


the colonizer – brave, hard-working, energetic 


the colonized (slaves) – lazy, don’t want to work, try to find tricks to deceive 


why should the colonized should be hard-working when the result doesn’t go to him 


Indian scholar, literary theorist, and feminist critic 

essay: Can the Subaltern Speak? 


talks about women but also all people who are in a position of subordination 


subaltern = someone who doesn’t have power 


the oppression of subaltern is so powerful that the subaltern cannot tell his own story and is spoken for 


Spivak makes a comparison with Indian women who committed Sati 


tradition in which wives commit suicide (burnt on pyre) after the death of their husband 

it is considered respectable to be burnt, for women it is honourable 

the woman is highly respected because she doesn’t want to survive their husbands 

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