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number 6 – there are 6 space dimensions 

Europeans warship number 1 as a symbol of God, number 3 which is for trinity, number 5 and 7 etc.) 

the NA were very respectful to the nature, were very ecological and economical 

buffalo is the most important animal although they hunted it (bones, nails, absolutely everything was used) 

worshiping silver due to killing germs (they were shocked because European were obsessed with gold) 

if you put water or food in a recipient, that liquid or food will perceive the quality for a long time 

admired blue stone: turquoise (to keep them healthy) 

Native Americans didn’t know private property, they had a communal property (land) 

but they have personal property (tents, horses, clothes) but it was no capitalism 

they didn’t believe in the first sense, they have the sense of good and evil 


the Iroquois 

•  lived in thick woods far away from P. and A.

•  skilled farmers: beans, squash and maize

•  hunters and fishermen

•  fierce warriors

•  lived in villages which were protected with 

wooden stockades

•  kept memories by painting on a leather


the Sioux (= enemies) – buffalo hunters

•  warriors

•  grew no crops and built no houses

•  inventors of tepees


the Haida - fishermen

•  main food: fish (salmon)

•  gathered nuts, berries from forests

•  they carved their homes

•  totem poles

•  pottaches = gift giving

native Americans used to live in bans (groups) according to their family relationship 

native Americans lived in community organised according to the father (the law of the father): patriarchy 

when a girl got married she went with a family of her husband 

a man could have several wives only when he could support the wife and children 

ordinary native Americans didn’t have more wives (only few NA) 

the NA also tried to keep records of what happened to the community 

they couldn’t write but they had painted chronicles and used for it a leather of animals 

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