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settlers from Jamestown tried to live in peace with Indians – need of peaceful cooperation 


Pocahontas – a daughter of a leader in Virginia (she brought food to starving settlers) 


she married an Englishman, she travelled to London, was introduced to the Queen 


the climate didn’t suit her, she died very soon in England on smallpox 


the cooperation between England and Native Americans was over 


NA couldn’t understand that the Europeans will come again and settle down (they thought that they 
would come once, planted their plants and the land will be available for them next year, they didn’t know 
that they would come for profit) 

1620 – Puritans: 2nd group of settlers from England 

those people left England looking for religious freedom 

they thought that they would find refuge (útočiště) 

they wanted to live life as Jesus Christ and they found it 

101 Puritans set sail for 65 days 

instead of in Virginia due to wind they settled at a place in the Massachusetts Bay: Plymouth 

they travelled on a ship Mayflower 

­ on the way they signed a compact: 

Mayflower compact 

­ it was signed by men (the idea was, when the father signed it, his wife and children signed it too)

­ society was based on the contract


colonisers will help each other 


they will try to find a new world and society with equal conditions for everybody 


Just and Equal Law - the major is the law and no one should be above the law 


they all should live according to the law of God 


each party on the contract has to do their duty 

if the duty not fulfilled – the punishment comes 

pilgrim fathers = a name commonly applied to early settlers of the Plymouth Colony 

pilgrims = people who make a journey for religious reasons 

the climate was quite harsh for the Puritans and with the help of NA (Wampanoag) they could survive the 
winter and they thought from them how to plant crops (beans, corn etc.) 

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