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­ Samuel Adams (lawyer): 

No taxation without representation 

taxes shouldn’t have been increased if the colonists didn’t have representatives in Parliament 

if the government had been more understanding, nothing would have happened 

1767 – Increasing Taxes (on tea, paper, paint, and other gods imported from abroad) 

it was too much and the colonists refused to buy tea from England but tried to get it from other sources 

December 1773 - Boston Tea Party 

group of colonists from Boston overthrew the ship full of tea into the ocean 

the colonists laughed and newspapers were full of this incident 

one man: “

We hope that king George III. loves salt in his tea” 

the colonists were angrier and angrier, they tried to approach against the king 

London responded with more soldiers and more aggressive measures 


– 2nd Continental Congress in Philadelphia 

representatives of the 13 colonies met to debate what to do with the aggressive measures of London 

they decided to have their own army and started forming groups of soldiers 

conclusion: to make an army and to demand the independence from Britain 

leader: George Washington (he used to work for British army and had lots of experience)

4th July 1776 – Declaration of Independence 

written by Thomas Jefferson (lawyer, educated) with Benjamin Franklin (writer, philosopher, scientist) 

13 colonies demanded independence from Britain 

contains very important ideas and any human being has to have a right to: ALL MEN HAD A NATURAL RIGHT TO: 
life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, consent of the governed 

it was easy to sign but the practice wasn’t and it led to war

political life should rely on consent of the government (government should be elected by people)

he government shouldn’t be too strong (balance of 3 powers)

if someone has too much power, it becomes more dangerous


George Washington’s army wasn’t very well organised (few people had military training so it wasn’t very 
successful because Britain conquered New York city) 

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