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“we shouldn’t forget the sacrifices and we should build a new country, new future” 

it was one of the greatest speeches that became more famous than the battle itself 

he defined democracy: he wanted America to become a democratic country 

democracy = a government ruled by the people and for the people! 


the North: William Tecumseh Sherman 

­ the South: general Robert E. Lee


the civil war broke out because of the slavery, which is partly true 

but slavery and black issues weren’t the main cause of the civil war 

true reasons: both economic and political differences 

the winner: the North thanks to Abraham Lincoln 

freed slaves ran away to the North and the population of the North increased 

the southern States will never be able to revolt against the capital Washington 

the USA became one union but the states would remain separated 

president Lincoln was murdered and comes another President: Andrew Johnson (17th President) 

 many people died in the civil war on both sides (more dead people than in the WWII especially civilians) 

 the members of a same family fought with each other because some were for the slavery and some against 

 the economy in the South completely destroyed 

 the USA is one nation 

 slavery was abolished (1865) and black people became free 


Harriet Tubman 

a black woman who succeeded in running away from slavery with one child 

she was very young when she was caught for a slavery job 

during the civil war, she worked as a nurse, a cook, and a laundress 

she was illiterate but a great organiser (she crossed the line of the States where the slavery was illegal) 

she returned to take her child and she organised the escape of hundred people from slavery 

she was considered to have been a brave personality who dared to challenge the slave system 

she wrote memories and lived to her nineties 

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