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people invested some money into the ship (e.g.: 100 Ł) 

when everything was ready, the ship went from South Hampton to North Africa (Gulf of Guinea) 

idea: we give them what we have on the ship and in exchange we get: ivory, gold and most of all slaves 

slaves taken to America, especially young people who could survive the voyage and could work a lot 

1 of 3 Africans died because of bad food, illnesses, hygiene (there weren’t toilets, they couldn’t go on deck) 

they reached Jamaica, Antiqua, Barbados (Caribbean Islands) 

some slaves were sold to South Brazil to coffee plantations in exchange for Caribbean sugar, rum or spices 

they returned to Europe and the profit was at least 3 times bigger 

1677 –  Nathaniel Bacon’s Revolt (vzpoura) 
in Virginia 

both the blacks and the whites participated in the fight 

not everyone in Virginia was rich and owned plantations 

plantation owners needed workers and there were some possibilities how to get them 

source: African people and people from Europe (colonial aristocracy x working class of Africa and Europe) 

indentured servants = there were agencies who selected poor people or who had no chances in Europe 
(a woman who lost her reputation, woman who had a child without a marriage, people with debts) and those 
agencies paid them a journey to America so that they could on plantations for a few years 

they had a cottage, they ate what they planted and after 2 years they could return after paying off the debts 

theoretically OK, but in the reality: you may be sick, the weather conditions bad for the crop to be grown and 
therefore the debt couldn’t be paid off and one became a slave (Black race with slavery) 

1655 – John Casor – 1st black man recognized as a slave 

the fight was defeated but since this moment the rich aristocracy of Virginia realised that if both black and 
white people had united, they would have overturned their power 

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