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he made a bad reputation of the USA for justice and fair play 

targets: famous people from the media (actors, directors, journalists)

people were interrogated, controlled and obliged to tell on other people


Elia Kazan (actor, director) – he told on his friend who was leftist and as a consequence he was fired and 
couldn’t enter the same position


Charlie Chaplin (Hollywood actor and director) – came from a poor British family, he sympathised with 
leftists and when he visited his family in England, he wasn’t allowed to come back to the USA and two last 
decades he lived in Switzerland and couldn’t enter any party or commission


Fanny Hurst 

writer, journalist, feminist 

woman with a wide and generous opinion 

for the 1st time she brought homosexual topics to public (to media) 

for the 1st time people were given an opportunity to say publicly how they lived and what they were 

1948 – Kinsey Reports 

Kinsey was a doctor, sexologist who made a research with his wife on sexuality of thousands people 

people talked about their sexual lives, he summed up their answers and published them anonymously 

the reports revealed that women didn’t marry their first sexual partner, someone cheated on their partner or 

that people who were married had had homosexual experience (shocking for the public) 

it was revealed that life was more complicated than how it was presented by church 

the society no longer looked like a moral society 


black people start to demand full civil rights because after the Civil War they became equal and gained their 

rights but the state legislation and segregation limited black democracy 

1955 – Rosa Parks Incident, Montgomery Alabama 

Rosa Parks was a primary school teacher who went home by bus in Montgomery 

under Jim Crow legislation black people had to sit behind the white ones 

she refused to give her seat to a white person because she was tired and didn’t want to be treated that way 

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